How Were They Supposed to Know What Was Going On?

 Have you ever had a great plan go awry because you didn't communicate with a  key group? A couple of years ago, I was working for a company that decided to  reorganize several of the support functions within a bigger functional unit of the company into a shared service. It all looked good on paper and the mid-level executives were happy with the new organization chart they had created. The business case said that it would be more efficient in the long run and they could save money by meeting th...
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Change is hard

When you’re tasked with planning and ensuring the success of a key business initiative, you’re on board, but what about key stakeholders other audiences whose buy-in is essential to the project’s success? It is important that these audiences are aware of the change, understand the importance of the change and embrace the change. It sounds like common sense and something that should be easy, but in reality these transformations must be planned and executed carefully. Key focus areas to examine...
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